Courier on a bike – randstad – Zoetermeer



Do you like to make people happy? Do you like tocycle around in the city of Zoetermeer? Then working atThuisbezorgd as courier on a bike is definitely the job for you!You can work parttime or fulltime,you can choose your ownschedule!

what we offer

  • Good salary of €13,68 perhour!
  • Work for a longertime
  • Possibility to schedule your work days andhours
  • Compensation for using your ownbike
  • Good employer with niceallowances
  • Possibility to work fulltime orparttime

who areyou

To work as courier on a bikeat Thuisbezorgd we don’t ask much. As you can imagine you have tobe fine with working outside and cycling. You get compensation forusing your own bike while you work! We also ask the following fromyou when you work at Thuisbezorgd inZoetermeer:

  • You speak Dutch or Englishon a good level and you are at least 16 yearsold
  • You have a smartphone with internet accessand a power bank
  • Working at least 2 eveningsper week is no problem foryou

what will youdo

When you work forThuisbezorgd in Zoetermeer you will be familiar with the city. Youwill be busy with delivering the orders to the customers. Theorders will get to you by phone . There you can see where you needto pick up and deliver an order. When you have the order, you cango on your way to the customer to deliver it.

As courier on a bike you will also receive tips fromcustomers. These tips you can keep, so that is a nice extra bonusfor you! You will be working together with a team and there is adriver captain helping you in thebeginning.

where will youwork

Thuisbezorgd is active inseveral countries, including the Netherlands. You may also knowThuisbezorgd under the name Just Eat Takeaway. When you work ascourier on a bike it is also possible to grow up to otherpositions. You can think of positions like HUB-coordinator ordriver captain. In Zoetermeer you will be working within a nice andhelpful team of couriers.


Can’t you wait tomeet your new colleagues at Thuisbezorgd? Do you already seeyourself working as courier on a bike in Zoetermeer? Then make sureto apply quickly! Questions? Then feel free to reach out throughthe contact details below. You can also send a message to06-53349872. We hope to see you soon at Thuisbezorgd!

Uiteraard staat deze vacature open voor iedereen die zich hierinherkent.

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